Breaking News


By Josu Kim-

Red Sea Housing Services is now working on removing blocked sewage from houses at the Red Sea Police Barracks at Bomana in Port Moresby.
In a meeting this morning between residents of the barracks, Police Minister Bryan Kramer, Acting Deputy Commissioner David Manning, NCD Police Boss Perou N’Dranou and other senior officers, Red Sea Housing Company said they would immediately have the problem sorted this week.

Minister Kramer has promised that funds will be released for payments to the housing company to fix sewage issues in all 150 houses.

Mr Kramer said that the Bomana Housing Project was one project established by the former government at a cost of K52 million however, work on the project ceased in 2015 because the contractor, Red Sea company was paid only K8 million.
K40 million is yet to be paid to the company.

Minister Kramer said he requested for the outstanding payments however Treasurer Sam Basil says the full payment cannot be made but promised that a monthly installment of K5 million will be paid out to the company for the next 8 months.

Minister Kramer who had negotiated with the Red Sea Housing Services confirmed that that Red Sea has agreed to the monthly payment and work on the electricity, water and sewerage will commence in mid September.
The residing police officers and family members early this Monday morning protested to the contractor and the RPNGC hierarchy to immediately address the overflowing sewerage condition at the new police barracks.

This newsroom confirmed some of the officers’ residence were in very alarming health risk state.

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