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Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership.

By GT Bustin

My family has been in PNG for 70 years and I was born in Goroka and raised in the Southern Highlands & Morobe. My professional life has been about service to the people of PNG...
• Started Samaritan Aviation and led as President for 12 years
• Started and led PNG Tribal Foundation, 2009 to present
• Delivered over $20 million in medical supplies to hospitals and health centres across PNG
• Co-Executive Director of Senisim Pasin Film and developer of national Senisim Pasin Campaign
• Created education opportunities for countless Papua New Guineans
• Introduced life saving technology to PNG in partnership with ExxonMobil and General Electric
• Brought Children’s Hospital Colorado to PNG to set up model children’s ward.

I was only able to accomplish these things and more with the assistance of amazing teams, supporters, and partners. What I’m about to announce next has the potential for a greater positive impact on the people of PNG than all the above combined. I’m going to need the help of leaders from all seven influencers of society to make it happen. (A hint is in the picture and the following quote) “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” John Maxwell

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