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PNG Tribal Foundation aims to bring John Maxwell's Nation Transformation program to PNG

By GT Bustin

John Maxwell’s team has given the Tribal Foundation the green light to see about bringing John Maxwell and his Nation Transformation program to PNG...this could be a game changer!

Last October I was invited to Guatemala, a country with similar indicators as PNG, by Mr. Maxwell to experience his Nation Transformation program in action. I was blown away! John and his team have been going to Guatemala for 5 years and their values based leadership training from the top down has done two important things: 1. It has taught the leaders of Guatemala what true leadership looks like. 2. It has united good people from all sectors of society who truly want to see the best for their nation.

During my 20 years of service to PNG I have come to understand one thing above all else. The country will not realize its full potential without good leadership. I, like many, have been working tirelessly to fill gaps that have been created by poor leadership. I want PNG to see what good leadership looks like and when that happens the following will improve drastically...L
aw and order, education, healthcare, opportunities for the marginalized, tourism, GDP, the list goes on and on. We are not a country without resources. We are a country with mismanaged resources and that is a result of poor leadership and corruption. There have been some good leaders in PNG but they are too few and far between. We need a new standard for leadership in this country and what I saw in Guatemala I desperately wanted for my people of PNG.

For those who don’t know, John Maxwell is considered the worlds top expert on leadership. He has written over 100 books on leadership and has mentored top corporate and government leaders. What struck me about John was how humble he is, how culturally relevant his message is, and how much of a difference he and his team are actually making in Guatemala.

Now...he and his team have not committed to come to PNG just yet. They have given us the go ahead to see what we can do to prepare for an exploratory visit. That means the opportunity is ours to earn and Tribal is going to need the help of several true leaders in PNG to make this a reality. It’s go time!

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