Breaking News


By Zephania Windu Aaron

CEPA pleaded to the LLG Councilors of Middle-Sepik to ensure Frieda Mine visit their Villages
Conservation Environment and Protection Agency (CEPA) convened a Meeting for the newly elected LLG Councilors of the Middle Sepik Area of East Sepik Province (ESP) on the 10th September 2019 at the Village Inn, Wewak, ESP.

But what is the role of CEPA?
CEPA’s official mission as a mandated body is to ensure that our natural resources are managed to sustain environmental quality, human wellbeing and support improved standards of living.
This is underpinned in the fourth National Goal and Directive Principle on Natural Resources and Environment that clearly states:
“The natural resources and the environment of Papua New Guinea should be conserved and used for the collective benefit of the people; and should be replenished in the interest of future generations.”
Points 1 and 2 of NGDP Four explains what constitutes this goal:
1. The natural resources including land, forests, birds, animals, fish, water, sea, air and minerals should be used wisely in the interest of the integral development of all citizens throughout Papua New Guinea.
2. The environment and its sacred, scenic and historical qualities should be conserved and replenished for the benefit of prosperity.

While we live in the era of the populist slogan, “Take Back PNG,” to what extent does taking back our country correspond to the National Goals and Directive Principles through government actions and approaches? Given the nature of the meeting that was held, we must question the role and interests of CEPA regarding its involvement with Frieda Mine.
Why does CEPA refuse to listen to the people in the villages who are resisting the proposed Frieda Mine?

It seems like CEPA is making sure that the LLG Counsellors return to their electorates and coerce the people to accommodate Frieda Mine.

With regards to the meeting, who paid for the trip for the CEPA Officials to Wewak to stay at the hotel and give allowances to the LLG Councilors?

In whose interest is this meeting for? CEPA? The people? Frieda Mine? The Environment?

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