Breaking News

Asian business houses exploiting young PNG girls

By Justin Yatu

Asian business houses are exploiting young PNG girls. They employ them as casuals for 3 months & sack them after three months to recruit new employees as casuals again.
Some of these businesses have been operating for well over twenty years and this has been the practice.

This is done for a number of reasons which include:
1. To avoid employing them on proper
employment terms and conditions
including leave, insurance, health
care and other entitlements that
goes with the job.

2. To avoid paying income or group
tax to the government.

3. To avoid paying supernuation
contribution for the employees to
Nasfund as required by Law.

4. Use our people as cheap labour
because it's cheaper for the
employer to have casual
employees than perminant

5. Prevent them from joining a
workers union of their choice and
the list goes on.

Can the Labour & Employment Department set up a complaints centre so they deal with cases like this? They will be surprised to learn how our people are treated with contempt. This issue needs to be investigation and addressed forthwith. Otherwise, these money face morons will continue to exploit our people.

I have monitored this issue for a while and am talking from facts I know. You just have to go to an Asian tucker shops and stores around Boroko area to confirm this. Labour and employment Department must rise to the occasion and stop this exploitation as soon as possible.

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