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NBC News

Papua New Guinea must be able to celebrate economic Independence as well and not only political Independence.
In his inaugural address to the nation following the 'flag raising' this morning at Independence Hill in Waigani Prime Minister James this is important, as the country is endowed with all types of resources.

PM Marape says, as the country commemorates its 44 years of Independence, it is important to learn from past mistakes in order to secure a better future.
He has pledged his commitment to the over eight million Papua New Guineans that he will not be bought or sold to corporate and individual greed but stand for the greater good of the country.
Hundreds of Port Moresby city residents gathered as early as 4 am this morning to witness the traditional 'Flag Raising ceremony' at the Independence Hill in Waigani.
Autonomous Region of Bougainville President Chief John Momis and NCD Governor Powes Parkop were among guests at the event.

Cardinal Sir John Ribat from the Catholic archdiocese blessed the flag before it was hoisted marking the country's 44 years since Independence.
The PM's address concluded the ceremony.
Mr. Marape and his wife Rachel together with other VIP's were treated to an Independence breakfast hosted by Speaker Job Pomat at the Parliament's State function room before they proceeded to the NCD organized 'PM's parade' at the Independence boulevard.
He just concluded his address at the Jack Pidik Park in five mile.

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