No Transparency in PNGDF Recruitment in 2019
On 29th July 2019 around 1600 applicants have been shortlisted from more than 2500 applicants.
Out of those 1600 shortlisted some of them were in priority list from last year's intake.
Each applicant paid around K1500 to K3000 cash through some officers to the recruitment officer or even the General.
Some applicants who hand delivered their documents who met the requirements were not shortlisted because they did not pay the bribery of K1500 to K3000.
That K1500 to K3000 is the payment only to be paid for the names to be shortlisted.
Next payment will be after medical and entry test...This time the 1600 applicants will be trimmed down to 600 something....In
Final payment be done for final list ok 300.
This corrupt practice start from the top DF General down to the recruitment officers and even the other ordinary df officers making commission out of it.
It will be an expensive and costy exercise for those poor 1600 applicants shortlisted to be in the top 300 final list.
Those involved in such corrupt practices depriving the rights of eligible citizens, God is watching you
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