Breaking News


By Josu Kim- FM100 NEWS

The National Government has appointed St John PNG to establish and manage the National Ambulance Service (NAS).

The decision is in line with the Marape/Steven Government’s intention to improve Papua New Guineans access to health care by investing in properly coordinated ambulance service.

At the announcement of this agreement Minister for Health Elias Kapavore says the appointment of the agreement is because St John has been the provider of public emergency ambulance services in PNG for over 30 years.

He says the organization with little government support over the last four years has proven itself both operationally and administrativel

y, capable of running a National Ambulance Service.

Minister Kapavore says all commonwealth governments have set up specialized departments to run professional ambulance services and St John is available in nearly all countries where Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is head of State.

The NAS agreement was signed on the 29th of June 2019 between the Minister for Health and Chair of St John Council PNG.

Minister Kapavore further says the distribution of ambulances by either the Government, Business houses or Foundations, must now align well with the National Ambulance Service Agreement.

He further calls on provinces who wish to have the NAS will sign a trilateral agreement between the National Department of Health and St John.

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