Breaking News


By Hon. James Marape - 30th July, 2019

"Good morning PNG and friends of PNG, a country that has 5 to 7 percent of worlds biodiversity and second only to Amazon of South America in terms of tropical rain forest, our country that has UNESCO world heritage site at Kuk as the first known agriculture site globally, thus we are agriculturist , our country supplies 25% of worlds tuna and many other fisheries and aquaculture products, our country has oil, gas and minerals of many kind, and amongst other resources, the best of all is our diverse culture, we have over 30% of worlds culture and languages for tourism use into the future.

"We have potential but potential and vision alone will not get us there, action plans and ACTIONs will get us to the ‘Richest’ destination we want for our country.

"Singapore with no resources, advanced by pure human imaginations and motivations and actions since 1965. South Korea after Korean War emerged into a top 10 economy in the last 50 years with almost no natural resources. Human dreams can come to pass if we work.

"I am looking for top smart PNGeans who can assist PNG moving in the right space. Doesn’t matter where you come from, what color of skin you have, which side of politics you from, which religion you belong to, so long as you want to contribute ideas for your country, then below are email addresses you can use to introduce yourself and forward your advise based on your expertise and experiences and interests.

"Yesterday afternoon we had good contact with some of our intellectuals under TTI, and I called for data, statistics and evidence based submissions that will assist us relook at how we have come and where we want to go into the future in some if not all of key policies government need to revisit.

"So as I promised last Friday, these following email addresses will be attended to and operational by Thursday this week.

"For those who want to assist in service delivery and social sectors like health , education, law and order etc then the email address is jmpmsocio2020@g .

"For those who want to contribute in the economic sector and to grow our economy, then is the address.

"For those who want to report corruption and bribery in our country please use My office is not here to hide anyone or subvert the course of justice, I have announced a fight against any forms of bribery so for those who really want to help your country eradicate the cancer of bribes and corruption please report to my office. We will link to Police and ICAC so together we address this toxic and cancer in our midst.

"Lastly but not the least, my own electoral work program in Pori and Tari please use I will not abundant my fundamental job.

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