PAPUA New Guinea’s economic prosperity lies in one absolute denominator – a corruption free country. While the common notion of fixing and fighting corruption at the ground level first is the notion, it is indeed hiding the big picture, and it won’t get us anywhere.
For our society to change and become sincere, happy and prosperous, real change should first and foremost take place at the top. That is where it should be corruption free, and where due diligence in following corporate governance is maintained prudently at all times.
Totally burying corporate governance corruption will harness good results.
Politicians and heads, managers, advisors, consultants of departments, statutory bodies and government businesses should lead the way in fighting corruption.
These people should not preach it but walk the talk too.
Private sector should contribute towards fighting corruption. Private sector corporate governance should be stringent too. Private sector corporate governance corruption also exists. The private sector is not immune to it either. Government-priv
This is also where the hidden inflated cost of goods and services to the government is shared amongst key players in government and the private sector. Lip-talk on fighting corruption will not change anything. ‘A corruption free country’, when this is done, every citizen of this country will see the effect of it in a positive way. 'Take Back PNG' is a powerful statement. Let us all contribute in one way or another in helping, assisting and contributing to this worthy statement to get there.
Our CEO Prime Minister James Marape has made this bold call.
He alone will not achieve this. Let each and every citizen of this blessed country who is still breathing to do their part, and let us start now.
Our unborn citizens will then see PNG differently in ten years time. Let us take one step forward in achieving this collectively.
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