By Josu KIM- FM 100
The nine Badihagwa Secondary School students found drinking today and caught by police will face expulsion from the school.
That is according to the school Principal Mr Maru Bala.
According to reserve constable Maraga Homoka at Idubada Police Post the students were caught and arrested by police around midday today after the wife of the police officer residing there reported to police about the students having a drinking session at a neighbor’s residence.
The Police Dog Unit who attended to the occasion apprehended the students along with the home-brew drinks and brought them to Idubada police post.
FM100 News who attended to the scene established that 5 grade nine females and 4 males of grade 11 and 12 respectively were arrested and held at the police post.
Principal Bala says the school management and the students’ parents have negotiated with the police to handle the case and the school board will hand down the decision in week one of Term 4 schooling week.
Mr Bala also says the owner of the residence where the students were caught drinking will also be established and be held responsible.
The residence is said to belong to one of the student's relative.
Asked on the likely decision to be made from the school, Principal Bala says students found with homebrew or marijuana anywhere within the vicinity of NCD are bound to be terminated without explanation as the school exercise zero tolerance on this cases.
Mr Bala also revealed that the nine students have no chances of transferring to other schools because of this issue.
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