SOCIAL ENGINEERING: How PNG Societies Grow Fat On Self-Indulgence
By Menon Barok
"Every System is established with a touch of perfection, until the heart of humanity corrupts it"
The applicability of the type of system depends on the nature to which a certain culture is raised in. Human nature is a dynamics of changes, and these changes are questioned by societies whether to adapt or to disregard them as long as social and moral equilibrium is to be attained.
Socialism teaches societies to limit one's self indulgence; Capitalism stimulates self desire.
Darwin didn't found capitalism; Capitalism and Socialism are just concepts deeply tied down in human behavior and psychology. Darwin only quantified the concept of Natural Selection (competition & power) basing upon studies on captor-captive relationships & territorial behaviors (after realizing through repititive studies that certain plants and animals growth rates are propotional to the type of habitate they are in, to which later studies derived the economic law of demand & supply. For instance, If there were more Lions, then the polulation of wilderbeests decreases, & vice versa)
Capitalists like Maslow and Adam Scott capitalized on Dawinian studies to promote individualism and invoke self-desire, while Greats like Frederick & Karl Marx encouraged collectivism, with the intention to limit the social sin of self-indulgence
In a PNG traditional setting, 1pla man go kilim wel pik lo bus ba kam na whole clan ba kaikai.
How do we incorporate such sharing-caring ideal into our modern context in relation to socio-economic developments?
The Hagen & Tolai people understand this concept, (clan effort= and clan wealth) far more better than the rest of other PNGans. They perfected the system where moral and social equilibrium is attained.
We as PNGans work much better in tribes than individuals. If we can apply that similar concept to operating SMEs and other investments, equal distribution of wealth can be generated. This is a founding principle of Collectivism. Societies like the British and Australia promote Individualism, which is a primary ingredient to capitalism. Thus, our colonial-adopte
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