By Samson Timicktry Kambao
At 5:30 am Friday 27th September, 2019 yesterday morning student Whakol Muli left home/ residence at Gerehu Stage 3 B (Red-Hills) NCD and was walking to Gerehu stage 2 to catch bus to go to Gordons Secondary school as usual.
However, 4 blocks down the road his student ID, note books, pen, rulers, etc. were found covered in blood stain and he is nowhere to be seen and has disappeared. We the relatives reported the matter to Gerehu Police and checked Gerehu Hospital, Port Moresby Hospital, morgue and phoned and checked all possible family relatives, friends and wantoks from 7:00am Friday 27th September, 2019 till now 4:00am Saturday 28th September, 2019 and have not found him yet and are thoroughly searching.
Personal Details
Whakol Muli is Male, 19 years old, light tanned skin color, 5 feet 9 inches tall. His father is Mr. Peter Muli, hails from Kia tribe, Wabag Enga province and mother is Ms. Cathy Lau form Ponape Clan Laiagam District of Enga province, PNG.
We presume he may have been kidnapped and murdered or killed on site, transported by motorcar and dropped the body in seclusion somewhere by his assailants.
We are pleading and kindly making a desperate emergency call to the general public and people who know him or have seen and witnessed anything suspicious incident within or without NCD, to report to Gerehu police or CID homicide Boroko police or call us on phone 75751757, 74763659, 71134284. 75796813, 76523406.
We would greatly appreciate you cooperation and assistance please.
Thank you.
For those 3 residences at the scene and location and specifically the blood smeared and stained fingers pointing towards pave way into the Blue colored tucker shops gateway at Gerehu stage 3B, you are all prime suspect number one (1) so come forth with needed information now that later please.
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