Breaking News


By Glenda Popot

Prime Minister James Marape has revealed Economic Independence as his government’s number one priority going forward.

“Economic independence is my government’s first and foremost priority born of Pangu Party’s dogma of complimenting the political independence Pangu Party led PNG into in 1975,” said Marape.

Mr Marape spoke of his government’s vision for PNG when delivering his address to the nation at the flag raising ceremony at the Independence Hill in Port Moresby this morning to mark PNG’s 44th Independence Anniversary.

The PM said he wants to ensure that PNG not only celebrate political independence during September 16s but full economic independence as well.

Marape pointed out a number of economic opportunities that PNG has including tropical fisheries and marine resources, agricultural resources, mineral and petroleum resources and a talented Human Resources.

All of these, he said, gives PNG the opportunities to do well.

“Proper harvest of our natural resources and equitable sharing with our investors plus better redistribution to our land owners and provincial governments will ensure we move towards economic independence, “said Marape.

“By 2025, when our nation celebrates 50 years of independence, I want to look back to today in 2019 as the year in which my generation of reformist leaders changed legislative gears for truly better harvest of our God given natural resources.”

The PM said working to give full economic independence is the reason why he’s sure within 10 years, PNG can become the richest black Christian nation where no one is left behind.

“Today on the anniversary of 44 years of independence, I as your eighth Prime Minister pledge to you my firm commitment that I will not be bought or sold to corporate and individual greed but stand resolved for the greater good of my PNG,” added Marape.

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