Breaking News


By Gregory Avira

Prime Minister James Marape has taken on an open-door policy on research based recommendations from think-tanks in the country to help guide future government decision making.
“Institutions like NRI have a wealth of knowledge and we (Government) must utilize this knowledge to see if our pronouncements are sustainable for the country,” the Prime Minister said while visiting the National Research Institute today.

The two hour visit was used to hear of current research projects undertaken by the institute and discuss ways of improving consultation with the government.
While emphasizing the importance of research based decision making, Marape has also vowed to establish a direct contact point at the Office of the Prime Minister were such think-tanks can provide direct feedback on policy agendas.

In encouraging the NRI to continue in its work, the Prime Minister gave assurance that any research findings that are of national interest must be raised, even if it is against the government’s view.
The Prime Minister also encouraged NRI to have in-depth and quality findings to provide to government when making recommendations.
He adds such fact based recommendations can lead the government down a better path for the country.

While this is the first of such a meeting for a Prime Minister to visit on his own accord, Marape says this will surely not be the last as continued close consultation will be a norm going forward.

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