Press Release
Authorized by the Secretary for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring
Mr. Koney Samuel
This notice serves to remind all national government departments and agencies that as directed by the Minister for National Planning, Hon. Richard Maru, MP since November, 2018 you were requested to submit your draft sector development plans to the Department of National Planning & Monitoring (DNPM) for alignment to the MTDP III (2018-2022).
To date, DNPM has only received draft sector development plans from the:
• Department of Transport; and the
• National Department of Health
and is assisting these departments to MTDP III align, before finalization.
While I would like to commend these two departments and encourage speedy progress, I would especially like to challenge the other sectors to work together to deliver their respective draft sector plans to DNPM for vetting as early as the initial stages. For years, lack of sector coordination has defected external agency collaboration for high performance within each sector. Government needs a severe boost to our planning, prioritization and budgeting process, considering our economic situation and sector coordination is the way to go. This is exquisitely in line with the Hon. Prime Minister Marape’s direction for DNPM to enhance cross government coordination and implement whole of government reporting.
The fundamental objective of this sector coordination is to bridge the gap between policy (i.e. MTDP III) direction and actual budgeting, implementation,
As the head of the DNPM which is the key coordinating agency for development matters, I now call for all sector development plans to be drafted with the assistance of my Department and finalized before 31st August, 2019. The 2020 National Budget preparations are currently underway and sector development plans should rightfully be the guide to development funding.
The nominated lead agency as decided from the recent Sector Clinical Block workshops should now be taking the lead in coordinating and drafting these sector development plans with input from all sector agencies to meet this deadline. The table below indicates the lead and supporting agencies (not restricted to) who are to collaborate in delivering on this Government direction.
Sector Lead agency + agencies responsible
Governance & Administration Lead: Department of Prime Minister & NEC
Supporting: Internal Revenue Commission, PNG Customs, Public Service Commission (PSC), National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS)
Economic Lead: Department of National Planning & Monitoring
Department of Agriculture & Livestock (DAL), Coffee Industry Cooperation (CIC), Kokonas Industry Koporation (KIK), Cocoa Board, National Agriculture & Quarantine Inspection Authority (NAQIA), (OPIC) Fresh Produce Development Agency (FPDA), (LDC), Spice Industry Corporation (SIC), PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA), Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA), National Cultural Commission (NCC), Department of Petroleum and Energy (DPE), National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Transport Lead: Department of Transport
National Roads Authority (NRA), Department of Works (DoW), PNG Air Services, National Procurement Commission (NPC), PNG Ports Corporation, National Airports Corporation (NAC)
Utilities Lead: Department of National Planning & Monitoring
National Information and Communication Technology Authority (NICTA), Eda Ranu, Water PNG, Water and Sanitation Project Management Unit (PMU), National Procurement Commission (NPC)
Law & Justice Lead: Department of Justice & Attorney General
Royal PNG Constabulary, Department of Defense, National Intelligence Organization (NIO), Legal Training Institute, Law & Justice Sector Secretariat, Magisterial Services, Office of the Public Solicitor, Office of the Public Prosecutor, Correctional Services Institute (CIS)
Health Lead: National Department of Health
National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS), Institute of Medical Research (IMR), Provincial Health Authorities (PHA)
Education Lead: Department of Higher Education, Research & Technology
Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST), National Libraries and Archives, Teaching Service Commission (TSC), Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET), Teaching, Nursing, Agriculture, Maritime and Fisheries Colleges and National Research Institute (NRI)
Sustainable Environment Lead: Department of National Planning & Monitoring
Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA), National Disaster Centre (NDC), Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA)
Community Development Lead: Department for Community Development and Religion
National Office of Child and Family Services, National Cultural Commission, National Volunteer Services (NVS), Office of Censorship, PNG Sports Foundation (PNGSF), National Youth Development Authority (NYDA)
The lead agency is to take the lead by commencing drafting with the assistance of DNPM and staging meetings with relevant agencies to initiate progress and gauge respective input.
Provincial and District Development Plans have adhered to this call since November 2018, with only 24 districts and 7 provinces remaining. I would also like to friendly remind these remaining provinces and districts to see my Department for assistance.
While aligned sub-national development plans are almost done, the key correction in our development process remains to be effective sector coordination from top-down. Based on past experiences, sector coordination can only be realized through sector development plans to implement the MTDP III or any government direction and policy successfully.
For assistance in this regard, please contact my Macro Planning Division on telephone number: 301 4061 or email jennifer_sawa@p
The Department of National Planning & Monitoring aspires to strategically plan and effectively budget for a secure future of inclusive sustainable economic growth through efficient sector coordination and collaboration for enhanced sector development progress and implementation reporting through a whole of government approach as directed by the Hon. Prime Minister. James Marape, MP.
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