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-Department For Community Development and Religion Media Release

The Department for Community Development and Religion (DFCDR) Secretary Anna Solomon encouraged the women representatives who attended the Christian Women Leaders’ 7th Triennial Conference in Port Moresby to protect every child at home to really secure the future of Papua New Guinea.

“When we (parents) protect the children from any kinds of violence at home, we are definitely protecting the future of our country.”
Solomon said this on Friday inline with the theme of the conference 'Children our precious gift from God: Protecting a Child is everyone’s responsibility.'

The Department (DFCDR) as the core sponsor of the Triennial Conference further urged the attendees to promote other programs like informal economy, early learning and safe home in the church setting to attract continuous support from the government.
Through the established Church-State Partnership program, the department recognises all related programs or services provided by churches in the communities nationwide.

General Secretary of PNG Council of Churches (PNGCC) Rev. Roger Joseph in opening the conference said, “Christian women are trusted and empowered to bring bigger difference in the community.
“We must ensure to empower our children at home and churches to become good citizen of this country, he said.

PNG Christian Women (PNGCW) President Mrs. Emma Ilau-Sebea said “we believe we are contributing towards making a difference in our communities to create a safe, healthy and a conducive environment for our children to live in and grow.”
Whilst thanking the department, Mrs. Ilau-Sebea said “this is the first time ever PNG government had given money to run this kind of conference and we will continue to stand together for better Papua New Guinea. “

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