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Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Hon. Soroi Eoe Participates in First Official International Engagement at the Pacific Foreign Ministers Meeting in Suva. Fiji Islands. 26th July 2019

Department of National Planning & Monitoring Media Release

A week of meetings concludes today with the Pacific Foreign Ministers Meeting to finalise resolutions and position papers and other regional priorities and matters to be presented to the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Tuvalu on 16th August 2019. Yesterday was the Pacific Economic Ministers Meeting.

The week was filled with meetings of Officials and Ministers Meetings from 16 Forum Member Countries, Observers and CROP agencies to discuss and provide recommendations
forward for the Leaders Meeting in August. Key Agendas for the Meetings had been on the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, Post Cotonou, Pacific ACP Matters, Pacific Resilience Partnership, Regional Security (Boe Declaration) Action Plan, Oceans and Maritime Boudaries, Nuclear Contaminants, Pacific Fusion Center and Troika Review, amongst other matters also of the PIF Secretariat, and the Forum Dialogue Process.

The new Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hon. Soroi Eoe led the PNG Delegation, participating in his first ever international engagement since being appointed to the Foreign Affairs portfolio. He participated by way of interventions and discussions on key matters presented. A team of officials from the PNG Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Kundu Suva and DNPM all supported the Minister in his preparations and presentations.

DNPM is represented by the Acting Deputy Secretary Policy Mr. Michael Kumung, Mr. Roger Kara from the NAO Support Unit, and Acting Assistant Secretary Regional/Aid Effectiveness Mr. Alex Ginet.

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