Breaking News


By Kias Inape - 27th July, 2019

"I took my sick son to PMGH today around 7am this morning and was told to wait cause the doctor isn’t in yet. I waited almost 3 hours without a single doctor in sight and took him to PIH. I left with a heavy heart for the unfortunate mother’s with their sick child waiting to be served.

"One parent in particular travelled all the way from Kairuku with their daughter in critical condition due to head injuries sustained from a falling tree on the child’s head and was still waiting for treatment from specialist doctors.

"It’s sad to say that the service at our public hospital is way below the humanely expected level and to make the matter worse, the doctors who were supposed to be on duty are no where to be seen. I don’t know whether this was a rare case or not but my guts feelings is that this is a norm at our premier hospitals judging from people’s perceptions.

"Does the Department has a system of monitoring the movements and performance of these doctors, let alone ensure they are getting paid for the actual hours worked just like all public servants?

"Another issue of concern is the engagement of our specialist doctors from our public hospitals by private clinics and hospitals thereby denying our people the right to free and proper medical care from our specialist doctors."

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