Breaking News


Post Courier Lae

The Council of Chiefs of Butibam village together with their leaders met today with several councilors-elec
t at the Butibam Resource Center to discussion key agendas on the appointment of a new Ahi Local Level Government President to represent them at the LLG level.
The Council of Chiefs (COC) have shown their support towards the endorsement of Councilor-elect for Ward 2 Butibam West Ahi LLG Mr Malcolm Kalo as their preferred councilor to take up the seat of Ahi LLG President.

According to Ms Carol Ahi of Butibam, the leaders are now gearing up to lobby for Councilor Kalo to become the president of Ahi.
Butibam COC John Mutu said they are prepared to support the call for Mr Kalo's push for president and invite all other councilors-elect to join them in a open forum tomorrow to express their views as well on the move.

"We are going for a new president because for 30 years we have never seen any government services delivered through our LLG to the people of Ahi" said Mr Mutu.
One of the councilors-elect who was also present at the meeting today also said he will pass the information to other councilors-elect to also have their say in the forum tomorrow.
The councilor-elect for ward 2 Mr Robin Barnabas in an interview with Post-Courier today said he won his seat because of the peoples trust and he will have to meet with his people to inform them on what has been discussed today.

Mr Barnabas said who shared tears during the interview said he has done his homework for the last 7 years to deliver to his people at Busu-Compound and is confident that he will achieve his plans successfully.
"I will not put my hands up for a fellow councilor-elect on favoritism, bribery or an any other illegal deals but I will support the person who has the heart to serve, smartest and honest to deliver services to the people" said Mr Barnabas.

The leaders are now calling on all councilors-elect of Ahi LLG to attend the forum that will be held at the Butibam Resource Center to discuss key agendas on appointment of Ahi LLG President Seat.

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